Alarming Reports about Possible Iranian Attack on Another Kurdish Opposition Party.
There are alarming reports of more possible attacks on the Iranian Kurdish opposition parties based in the Kurdistan Region's Sulaimaniya province, said an official, on Monday.
Saturday morning around 10:40 local time, Iranian forces targeted the
headquarters of the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran (PDKI) and
Iranian Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP-Iran) near Koya district (some
65 kilometres southeast Erbil) with missiles.
the Peshmerga forces of the Kurdish Iranian Komala party, alongside with
their family members based in camps in the regions of Zrgwez and
Zrgwezalla in southeastern Sulaimaniya, have already made every
preparation for any possible offensive by the neighboring country,
according to the information BasNews has learned from local sources.
to BasNews, Alizadeh, Secretary General of the Iranian Communist Party,
pointed out that they are at risk of such attacks previously conducted
against the other twin opposition groups, PDKI and KDP-Iran, as the
Iranian army has lately sounded more active on the border areas.
He noted
that they have spared no efforts to make sure they would have the least
casualties if they are attacked, but he also urged the Kurdstan Regional
Government (KRG) to not allow such offensives to take place.
The official refuted the rumors of evacuating any of the camps.
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